Connect Google to REALSTACK Lead Collector

LeadCollector is a feature offered by REALSTACK to collect your leads from online property websites and save them into your REALSTACK account automatically. Plus, the leads are associated with the related property, so you can see all of your leads for each of your listings.

In this article, we will walk you through how to connect your Google account to REALSTACK Lead Collector.

Let's get started!

Connect Your Google Account to REALSTACK

  1. Login to your REALSTACK account.
  2. Click your name in the top right corner.
  3. Then click "My Profile."
  4. Scroll to the bottom of your profile screen. Under "Connected Apps," click the switch the Google switch to "Yes."
  5. Click "Yes, Connect Google Account."
  6. Follow the on-screen Google prompts until you return to your REALSTACK screen.
  7. You should now see a green highlighted bard at the top saying "Google account has been connected."

Setting Up Google as a Connected App

  1. Again, click on your name in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Next, click "Apps Import."
  3. Under "Add Importer" you should see a drop-down menu. Select "Gmail."
  4. Select the checkbox next to each source that you have your properties advertised with.
  5. Click "Submit"

That's it! The automated collection of leads through REALSTACK's Lead Collector is powerful for brokers, agents, and marketers for many reasons. You will now be able to see the leads for each listing and marketers will be able to continue building the email marketing list for long-term lead nurturing.

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